
Climate Narratives for the Chinese Public: Six Segments and Narrative Principles

Climate Narratives for the Chinese Public: Six Segments and Narrative Principles

Publish Date:
Apr 24, 2023
School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University
Center for Climate Communication and Risk Governance

In April 2023, with support from Energy Foundation China, the Center for Climate Communication and Risk Governance at the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication released this report explaining how to improve climate communication in China, based on a nationwide survey of 8,077 Chinese citizens and several focus groups and in-depth interviews with experts, climate communication practitioners, and members of the public.

The fundamental goal of the report is to address the common challenges and confusions in climate communication practice. Current research findings of international climate communication academia and industries indicate that the life values significantly influence their perception, attitude, and actions toward climate change. Therefore, this report draws on the life values as an underlying logic and categorizes the public into six segments: Backbone
Traditionalists, Disengaged Individualists, Passionate Strivers, Easygoing Leisurists, Moderate Pragmatists, and Philosophical Observers. The report then explores the commonalities and differences among these segments on climate issues, and formulates communication objectives and climate narrative respectively.

The report aims to help climate communication stakeholders (e.g., government agencies, NGOs, media and business sectors, etc.) and other organizations or individuals who wish to work in climate communication in China take a deeper look at the Chinese climate audience, and assist them in mapping out more effective climate communication strategies.

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